If you are experiencing virgin medial email sign in problems it could be because you have changed your preferred My Virgin Media login to something other than the email address we gave you when you first joined us. The new login is the one you need to use when you access your Virgin Media Mail account via a browser.
2.50: WebView2 browser based on Edge WebView2 control 2.50: Strato HiDrive 2.50: Google drive: Support links, show Computers (if they contain the word "computer") 2.40: Fixed login problems to Microsoft Datalake Store 2.30: OneDrive for Business: Login was no longer possible 2.20: Google Drive: Downloads no longer worked because of an invalid parameter 2.10: Google Drive: Subfolder to list available shared drives (former team drives) 2.10: Option in settings to limit upload speed to x kBytes/s, to handle Windows 10 bug where the file is only uploaded when the progress bar reaches 99% 2.00: Option to login with external browser installed on PC 1.11: Trying to move a folder from a Dropbox account to any other account (which doesn't work) would delete the folder. If this happened to you, login to www.dropbox.com and go to "Files" -> "Deleted files" to get them back 1.10: OneDrive for Business and Azure Datalake Store support added 1.09: Dropbox: Support new functions, the old will be disabled in June 2017 1.08: OneDrive: Suppress script errors, use client_updated_time field 1.07: Google Drive: Access files shared by other users 1.07: Google Drive: Download documents from Google Docs, converter to docx, pdf 1.06: Google Drive: Timestamp lost when renaming/remote copying files 1.05: OneDrive+Yandex: Problems with accents+non-latin characters 1.04: Copy/Move files to different directories within the same account 1.03: Upload to OneDrive: Couldn't overwrite files 1.02: File timestamp was wrong after uploading to Google Drive 1.01: Copy properties of file to clipboard (e.g. for URLs)
Windows Vista Login Problems
Notes: - Reportedly, some older residential NAT routers with a SPI firewall may have problems with enabled tcp auto-tuning in it's "normal" state, resulting in slow speeds, packet loss, reduced network performance in general.- auto-tuning also causes problems with really old routers that do not support TCP Windows scaling. See MSKB 935400- netsh set commands take effect immediately after executing, there is no need to reboot.- sometimes when using "normal" mode and long lasting connections (p2p software / torrents), tcp windows can get very large and consume too much resources, if you're experiencing problems try a more conservative (restricted) setting.
LANGUAGEENGLISHCategoriesHow-Tos, Microsoft, Software, Windows 7, Windows VistaTagsactive directory, admin, computer, corruption, corruzione, disinstallare, docs, docx, domain, dominio, english, features, guida, guide, how to, howto, hp, informatica, inglese, language, linguaggio, logoff, logon, microsoft, operating system, os, password, pdf, privileges, program, programma, protect tools, science, security, sicurezza, software, solution, suite, sw, to, tutorial, txt, unable, uninstall, user, username, vista, windows server, xps 2ff7e9595c