This is usually not a problem, since you can configure your resolution in game to whatever you want and that will kick in when the game launches. If changing resolution in game isn't working, make sure your game is configured to use full-screen exclusive mode instead of borderless windowed mode.
Once you start a full-screen game, the streaming performance should go back to normal. If it doesn't, make sure your game is set to run on the NVIDIA GPU and that your game is set to use full-screen exclusive mode instead of borderless windowed mode.
Window Connection Full Movie 720pl
Both of these window sizes have an aspect ratio of 16:9, spoken as 16 by 9. This is the ratio of width to height of the video image, or the shape of the rectangle you view. Sometimes this is called Widescreen, and was adopted to more closely mimic the movie theater experience for home viewers. Anecdotally, the original standard definition aspect ratio of 4:3 was adopted in the 1930s to mimic the movie theater experience of that era. When televisions became a more common household appliance, the theater industry moved away from the 4:3 aspect ratio to other wider formats in order to entice viewers to come back to the theaters.
set your multiple monitors to same refresh rate and ideally same resolution and if its just for an AV receiver clone the output rather than extend. check it isnt a freesync or VRR issue and some applications particularly video players need to be set to fullscreen exclusive mode or capped FPS. if you play a 23.96fps movie or a 30fps movie.. strangely 144hz displays are lousy glitchy buggy crashy.. so you would need to enable enhanced sync and vsync in the movie player or some form of vsync like stuff or the windows OS by type it into a config.ini text file and or registry. vsync, vertical sync all the ways you spell it, probably going to work followed by true/enabled/on or whatever. 2ff7e9595c