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Load needed dlls for kernel hal.dll: Everything you need to know about this error and how to fix it

The HAL is loaded into kernel address space and runs in kernel mode, so routines in the HAL cannot be called directly by applications, and no user mode APIs correspond directly to HAL routines. Instead, the HAL provides services primarily to the Windows executive and kernel and to kernel mode device drivers. Although drivers for most hardware are contained in other files, commonly of file type .sys, a few core drivers are compiled into hal.dll.

load needed dlls for kernel hal.dll

Since hal.dll errors appear before Windows is fully loaded, it's not possible to properly restart your computer. Instead, you'll need to force a restart. You can do that by pressing or holding down the physical power button until the computer shuts down; press it once to start it back up.

I'm writting a program in DDK for secure booting of windows XP.I use NT-Native functions in kernel mode, but unfortunately there is not any reference or example of using these functions!I want to load some kernel mode dlls there(such as "hal.dll" in system32 folder) and use of "LDRLoadDLL" function whereas there is no good example of it's usage!I don't know how should I pass those dlls path address in the first input argument of this function? when I set NULL in it, I get error to load some kernel mode dll (Error such as "File not found" where it succeeds in loading only "ntdll.dll"!) and also I don't know how should be the dll's "path" format in first argument of function? I've seen ntdll.dll's source code for this function, but the correct format of path is some complex for me!!Here is the ntdll's source including "LDRLoadDll" function: extremely hope you could help me!!!!Thanks in Advance.

I read MmGetSystemRoutineAddress documentation on the MSDN and found out it only returns a pointer to "LDRLoadDll" for example, but I want to load a kernel mode dll in DDK and don't know how the dll's path format is!Could you help me about this?!Regards.

A list of components from Windows dropped into ReactOS and what happens.Please keep the list in alphabetical order by the first column. If multiple dlls needed to be coupled, then mention the one first that your interest is focused on for the replacement.see also the Testing 3rd-party drivers specifically targeting drivers.

This plugin enumerates imported and exported functions from processes, dlls, and kernel drivers. Specifically, it handles functions imported by name or ordinal, functions exported by name or ordinal, and forwarded exports. The output will be very verbose in most cases (functions exported by ntdll, msvcrt, and kernel32 can reach 1000+ alone). So you can either reduce the verbosity by filtering criteria with the command-line options (shown below) or you can use look at the code in and use it as an example of how to use the IAT and EAT parsing API functions in your own plugin. For example, the apihooks plugin leverages the imports and exports APIs to find functions in memory when checking for hooks.

To view the list of kernel drivers loaded on the system, use the modules command. This walks the doubly-linked list of LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY structures pointed to by PsLoadedModuleList. Similar to the pslist command, this relies on finding the KDBG structure. In rare cases, you may need to use kdbgscan to find the most appropriate KDBG structure address and then supply it to this plugin like --kdbg=ADDRESS.

It cannot find hidden/unlinked kernel drivers, however modscan serves that purpose. Also, since this plugin uses list walking techniques, you typically can assume that the order the modules are displayed in the output is the order they were loaded on the system. For example, below, ntoskrnl.exe was first to load, followed by hal.dll, etc.

To convert a raw memory dump (for example from a win32dd acquisition or a VMware .vmem file) into a Microsoft crash dump, use the raw2dmp command. This is useful if you want to load the memory in the WinDbg kernel debugger for analysis.

The .reload command deletes all symbol information for the specified module and reloads these symbols as needed. In some cases, this command also reloads or unloads the module itself.

The .reload command does not cause symbol information to be read. Instead, this command lets the debugger know that the symbol files might have changed or that a new module should be added to the module list. This command causes the debugger to revise its module list and delete its symbol information for the specified modules. The actual symbol information is not read from the individual .pdb files until the information is needed. (This kind of loading is known as lazy symbol loading or deferred symbol loading.)

Execution of the OS Boot Loader winload.efi marks the end of the Windows Pre-Boot phase (marks the end of jurisdiction for Secure Boot) and the beginning of the NT kernel (NTOS) initialization.

It is not often enough appreciated enough that although Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 were largely contemporaneous, they were significantly different. At least as much under-appreciated is that although Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 were marketed as very different, being for use as client and server respectively, their corresponding HALs are exactly one and the same. Matters are even worse for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2, for although their names sound alike, the kernel in the one is exactly that of a Windows Vista service pack but the kernel in the other is exactly that of Windows 7, so that they are in fact very, very different. On the assumption that similar unification of client and server editions is intended forever, however much the correspondence is disguised in the names that Microsoft chooses for marketing, I do not keep downloading releases of the server products just to check the correspondence with client products.

I use IDA Pro 6.8.150428 (idaq64.exe) to disassemble system dlls (64 bit) e.g. ntdll.dll, kernel32.dll, etc. in Windows 10 64 bit. I found idaq64.exe correctly disassembling 64 bit sample applications (.exe) but generating incorrect dis-assembly for the dlls e.g. shows 32 bit register operands, etc. I checked the IDA Pro dis-assembly output with WinDbg (runtime) and Intel XED (static) output. While Windbg and XED outputs are consistent with each other, they are completely different than that of IDA Pro.

Next, Winload begins loading the files from the boot volume needed to start the kernel initialization. The boot volume is the volume that corresponds to the partition on which the system directory (usually \Windows) of the installation being booted is located. The steps Winload follows here include:

While booting, the kernel keeps a pointer to the loader parameter block in the KeLoaderBlock variable. The kernel discards the parameter block after the first boot phase, so the only way to see the contents of the structure is to attach a kernel debugger before booting and break at the initial kernel debugger breakpoint. If you are able to do so, you can use the dt command to dump the block, as shown:

Next, InitBootProcessor builds the versioning information that will be used later in the boot process, such as the build number, service pack version, and beta version status. Then it copies the NLS tables that Winload previously loaded into paged pool, re-initializes them, and creates the kernel stack trace database if the global flags specify creating one. (For more information on the global flags, see Chapter 3 in Part 1.)

When the news broke in 2014 about a new sophisticated threat actor dubbed the Turla Group, which the Estonian foreign intelligence service believes has Russian origins and operates on behalf of the FSB, its kernelmode malware also became the first publicly-described case that abused a third-party device driver to disable Driver Signature Enforcement (DSE). This security mechanism was introduced in Windows Vista to prevent unsigned drivers from loading into kernel space. Turla exploited the signed VirtualBox driver, VBoxDrv.sys v1.6.2, to deactivate DSE and load its unsigned payload drivers afterward.

This resource contains the path of the process each sample uses to verify it is being loaded into the correct process. Resource 8193 contains the unsigned kernelmode payload driver, which is also encrypted with RSA. The driver is realized as a kernelmode DLL with two export functions InitEntry and InitExit. It contains the following cleartext strings:

The preloader is responsible for two things: protecting important regions of the address space so the dynamic linker does not map shared libraries into them, and once that is done loading the real Wine binary off disk, linking it and starting it up. Normally all this is done automatically by glibc and the kernel but as we intercepted this process by using a static binary it's up to us to restart the process. The bulk of the code in the preloader is about loading wine and off disk, linking them together, then starting the dynamic linking process.

wine_init() does some very basic setup tasks such as initializing the debugging infrastructure, yet more address space manipulation (see the information on the 4G/4G VM split in the address space chapter), before loading NTDLL - the core of both Wine and the Windows NT series - and jumping to the __wine_process_init() function defined in dlls/ntdll/loader.c

Finally, it loads and jumps to __wine_kernel_init() in KERNEL32.DLL: this is defined in dlls/kernel32/process.c. This is where the bulk of the work is done. The KERNEL32 initialization code retrieves the startup info for the process from the server, initializes the registry, sets up the drive mapping system and locale data, then begins loading the requested application itself. Each process has a STARTUPINFO block that can be passed into CreateProcess specifying various things like how the first window should be displayed: this is sent to the new process via the wineserver. 2ff7e9595c

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